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12” x 12” x .75”d original mix media on canvas. Pastels, acrylic paint and acrylic paint markers. All copyright and reproduction rights are reserved by the artist.

I feel like I’m getting into rhythm.  I feel like I’m reclaiming the power that is within me…that is within us all!  The same power that rose Jesus Christ from the dead lives within everyone!! Surrender all day if you need to but just surrender it all to God.  God is Love. Lean into his loving power it will transform your life.  Drawing with pastels and moving watered down acrylic paints around the dry surface of the canvas eases my spirit. I love the movement and how the colors leave a vibrant trail on the stark white canvas forever changing it’s face. It transforms as time passes by the colors become richer as they dry. I feel compelled to add layers upon layers trying to leave some of each layer exposed. Sometimes I paint so many layers the painting is not recognizable from the beginning of its journey. I can relate. I love the whole process even if you can’t recognize me now. I am not the same person. And neither are you. Accept the process. Reclaim the power. Grow in love. 

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭51‬:‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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